July 06, 2012


Okay, every two weeks I think, all of the Warrior blogs within our little inner sanctum(me, Icy, Jet, Dawnlight, Wavey, Spotsy, Willowfoot, etc.) Will join here, everyone can just chat and share about what's going on in their blog. For example, if the pics aren't working, or blogger is being weird or something, you guys can just chat and share solutions or ideas for each other's blogs. Also, there's a roleplay page where you can roleplay about the gathering; when the leaders arrive you can start and you'll rp about what's goin' on in your clan like a normal gathering. Lastly, there'll be a page where I'll post the leaders, deputies, and main warriors of the Clans. So, this blog basically means that you'll no longer need a Gatherings page on your warrior blog.

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No taking the Lord's name in vain, cussing, threatening, yada yada bla bla bla, you guys know the drill. :D
If I catch your comment containing any of those things I'm deleting it. But I'm sure you guys won't do any of that.