
When you post, please post as your character, whichever you choose, as long as its one of the ones you play. This is so that cats from other Clans know who you are. If there's a Gathering and then it gets drawn into a fight, take it to the Battle page. 
People are allowed to roleplay here even when it's not a Gathering; for instance if two cats meet up here they  are allowed to rp here even if everyone isn't gathered. 


  1. Willowstar clambered atop the Great Rock, twitching one ear as she gazed around the clearing.
    "Let the Gathering begin!"

  2. Moonbeam flicked her tail impatiently as the leaders and the Clans below gathered. She couldn't wait for the news that was going around the Clans, and was wanting to receive any information of any sort.

  3. So... Lol is there a gathering today?


No taking the Lord's name in vain, cussing, threatening, yada yada bla bla bla, you guys know the drill. :D
If I catch your comment containing any of those things I'm deleting it. But I'm sure you guys won't do any of that.